Ophir to Anchorage

We fly over the beautiful Alaska Range on our way back to Anchorage.

One of my favorite checkpoints on the Iditarod Trail,
Rohn Roadhouse is considered, along with the Rainy Pass
checkpoint, to be the most scenic along the Trail.

We're able to see Mt. McKinley (rt) and Mt. Foraker on our
way back to "town". These two mountains are often hidden
by clouds so we're lucky to see them on our trip back to Anchorage.

We see the end of the Alaska Range and a little
bit of Anchorage far away in the distance.

The city of Anchorage, with the Chugach Mountains in the background.

A closer look at the Anchorage skyline - the white smudge at the
top of the picture is glare from the windshield of the airplane.

We approach frozen Lake Hood, on which we'll land using skis, then
we'll taxi up to the Iditarod Headquarters at the Millennium Hotel.

We have arrived - thanks for viewing my Iditarod 2007 adventure!

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